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Talk:Web-oriented architecture

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Is this anything?[edit]

This article is more than a year old but has very little content. Its only reference is going on two years old. Today, I read the acronym "WOA" for the very first time here: http://www.ebizq.net/blogs/enterprise/2009/09/where_is_soa_heading_where_the.php . Given this apparent slow uptake and the fact that what these sources are calling "WOA" looks to me like an approach to SOA rather than a whole new technology, I have to wonder if "Web Oriented Architecture" as a separate category has any real technical meaning, or if it's yet another buzzword that some pointy haired bosses repeat to each other at cocktail parties and certain high-power consultants harvest for a quick buck. --Mike Duskis (talk) 04:49, 15 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]