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The winter solstice is approaching! Warm up to the festivities by visiting a Christmas-themed Dickens fair. Enjoy the winter-themed song Les Choristes Caresse sur l'océane in Youtube Alt text

Get an Advent calendar, and count the days towards Christmastide. Walk down the street to find a choir signing Christmas carols; maybe you will hear them singing Silent night

Set up the Nativity scene and a christmas village in your living room , go for a walk to visit a Christmas market , venture into the snowy forest and bring a Yule log and burn it at the hearth. Listen to the hypnotizing fire crackle as you pause and have a quiet moment.

From the dusty storage take your artificial Christmas tree and decorate it, while reminiscing about the beauty of yesteryear when parent and child would go to the forest to pick up a Christmas tree . Light it up at night and enjoy its glow .

After the longest night of the year, wake up in the morning for a crisp air and (eventually) shiny sun, go to the Christmas tree and find your...

And unwrap another!

And keep having a

