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py-2This user is an intermediate Python programmer.
py-5This user is a professional Python programmer.
bash-1This user is a beginner Bash programmer.
C-1This user is a beginning C programmer.

bat-1This user is an occasional Batch programmer.
vb-1This user is a beginner Visual Basic programmer.
logo-1This user is a beginning Logo programmer.

Erlang-1This user is a beginning Erlang programmer.
Java-0This user has some undisclosed problems with Java.
This user can program in R.

lisp-1This user is a basic Lisp programmer.
This user is a beginning Scheme programmer.
Standard ML-1This user is a beginner Standard ML programmer.
Haskell-1This user is a beginner Haskell programmer.
Prolog-1This user is a beginner Prolog programmer.

prog-0This user does not know how to program.

ضThis user can read the Arabic script.
αβγThis user can read the Greek script.
This user has an intermediate understanding of the Cyrillic script.

enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
hu-1Ez a szerkesztő alapszinten beszéli a magyar nyelvet.

This user is fascinated by number theory.
This user knows 32 digits of pi.
This user is a Go player.
This user likes to work cryptograms, and is
usually successful

This user likes jigsaw puzzles
This user enjoys playing Sudoku.
This user enjoys works of
Science Fiction.
This user is interested in Gothic literature.
This user enjoys reading poetry.
This user writes poetry.
This user is interested in history.
This user is interested in
alternate history.

This user is an FCC-licensed amateur radio operator, with Technician-class privileges.

This user LOVES Algebra, and will continue to study Algebra.

This user is interested in fractals.
This user is a Keeper of Arcane Lore. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
This user enjoys jazz music.
This user is a member of the
Orthodox Church.

This user loves problem solving.
This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!

This user is a monarchist.