Draft:The Second Chance Childrens Charity

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Second Chance is a registered charity (Charity Commission registration number 1001462) It is a national, innovative, social working agency based in Portsmouth.

The charity began in 1984 and grew out of the work its founder, Doug Hulme, was doing as a teacher in a school for children with learning difficulties and behavioural disorders.  Children are referred to them by a combination of schools, social services, family and police.

Officially the age range is 8-25 but the charity work with the whole familes, including parents and siblings. They also have a number of young mothers who are clients, so deliver parenting classes and parent and toddler groups which means in reality the age group is 0-25 years of age.

Uniquely Second Chance have not forgotten their roots in the sport of angling. In addition to a range of  support and counselling packages the Charity know that taking the youngsters fishing is a way of getting to know them, gaining their confidence and avoiding condescension. Angling gives these children a sense of achievement, confidence and social understanding.

In 2018 this was explored by The BT Sport Television Channel  in its programme ‘On The Bank’ here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY3H_M3zrBs&t=2s

The Children Second Chance work with come from three main backgrounds in roughly equal proportions.  They may have been abused (sexually, physically or mentally), come from a poverty stricken background (almost always an inner city area), may have learning difficulties.  Sometimes, they experience all three backgrounds! The charity says these children carry their disability on the inside; they do not always generate sympathy from those they meet. Second Chance considers them to be amongst the most disadvantaged group of people in Britain today. One of the Charity’s mottos is: Changing the world....one child at a time!

It has 500 children on its books but rarely works in any one week with more than 35 children.

Its Portsmouth centre is situated in the third most impoverished ward in Britain, The Charles Dickens Ward..

There have been many, Videos,  articles and papers written or broadcast on the charity.

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BT Sports Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY3H_M3zrBs&t=2s

The Feild Magazine May 1999 Feature Article P 40

The Daily Express Friday June 25 1999 P29

The War Cry Salvation Army Newspaper 6 August 1994

The Trout Fisherman Magazine January 1993 P49

The Country Gentlemans Magazine September 2004 P64

"Grassroots" Magazine of The Environment Agency issue 3 June 1996 P3

The Scotsman Newspaper Weds May 4 1994 P 7Pikelines Magazine o 76 May 1997 P 40k

Country Landowner & Rural Business Magazine February 2002 (CLA) P 51

The Anglers Mail Newspaper Wk Ending Sept 5 1986

The Alton Heral Sept 11 1987

The Hunts Post August 27th 1987

The Rotary News District 1110 Nov 2002

Unity Trust Bank Magazine Issue 9 2005 p8

The Carp Catcher March 1987 Page 44

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