Draft:The Virginia Cup

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The Virginia Cup

The Virginia Cup is an annual private gentleman's Kan-Jam tournament held in Ontario, Canada, during the spring season. The event brings together Kan-Jam enthusiasts from various regions to compete in a friendly and spirited competition. The tournament is widely regarded as the most premier Kan-Jam event outside of Buffalo NY.

History and Name

The Virginia Cup holds a special significance in its name, paying homage to the generous contribution of Virginia Penwarden, a prominent supporter of Kan-Jam. In 2020 Virginia Penwarden, a beloved figure among enthusiasts, donated a silver cup to be awarded to the winners of the tournament. In recognition of her dedication and generosity, the tournament was named "The Virginia Cup" in her honor.

Virginia Penwarden's contribution has left a lasting legacy in the Kan-Jam community, symbolizing the spirit of gentlemanly sportsmanship, and philanthropy associated with the tournament. Her involvement has inspired many participants and organizers to continue fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment within the Kan-Jam community.

The inaugural edition of The Virginia Cup took place during a bachelor party with eight teams participating. However, due to the positive feedback and enthusiastic response from the participants, the organizers decided to continue the tradition annually, expanding the tournament's scope and reaching out to more dedicated players in subsequent years. The tournaments popularity has grown much to the chagrin of the tournament's organizers.

Tournament Rules

The tournament consists of a round-robin stage followed by knockout stages. During the round-robin stage, teams are divided into groups and play against each other in a series of matches. The top-performing teams from each group advance to the knockout stage, which includes elimination rounds leading to a final match.

Tiebreak Procedure.

In the case of ties total points for are scored with an additional 1/2 point awarded to each stage of overtime victory.

I.E. Double Overtime victory would award the winning team 22 points (21 points to reach overtime plus 1/2 per overtime period)

Game Rules

The Virginia Cup is a gentleman's tournament that follows a similar and yet different set of rules than traditional Kan-Jam.

Objective of the Game

Be the only team to score up to 21 points with out going over or score up to (11pts or 7pts in overtime)


One Point scores (Deflected off the side and out of the goal without hitting the ground first) also known as 'dings', 'tickles' & 'digs'

Two Point scores (Direct shots to the goal without going in the slot) also known as 'bangers', 'blasters', 'fingers', 'doubles' and 'the deuce'

Three Point scores (The disk lands through the opening at the top of the goal, deflected or thrown naturally) 'threes', 'CP's', 'slappers' and 'punches'

Instant victory shot (The disk slides through the slot opening at the side of the goal either tipped through or naturally) 'slots' in the gentlemanly fashion redemption will still be allowed after such a scoring event.

No points are awarded if the thrower goes over the line of the bucket, or if the disc hits the ground before reaching the goal. Calling out' foot fault's must be declared with caution lest one might be called names.


In single overtime the total score that must be achieved is 11. In double overtime the total required score is reduced to 7 and for each subsequent overtime period will remain at 7 (preventing a victory outside of a slot in one turn.

Distance to the Goal

The goals 'kans','cans' or 'buckets' are spaced approximately between 12 and 15 'gentlemanly' paces apart (roughly one yard/meter strides)

The Disk

'Official Kan-Jam' discs are considered aerodynamically unsound and ungentlemanly. The Virginia Cup league players prefer the Aerobie Superdisk 10" for a much more competitive and dignified play.

Who begins?

Rock paper Scissors are played to determine the choice of which team goes first.

Drink Holding

It is also considered ungentlemanly to play the game 'dry' i.e. whilst not while holding a frosty beverage. If a beverage is to spill during a slam or deflection there will be much laughter and pointing to follow. Some have argued that this should award the opposing team a point but no official ruling in this manner has occurred during tournament play.

Infinite Redemption

No matter which team beings the game one full turn is allowed to the other team to 'redeem themselves' and tie up the game either by scoring to 21 points(to match) in kind or scoring a slot to tie.

Venue and Participation

The Virginia Cup is an invitational tournament played in prestigious lawns, courses and private members only recreational areas in Ontario, with the specific location changing each year to provide participants with new and exciting experiences.

The organizers carefully select venues that offer ample space for multiple game setups, spectator areas, and amenities such as restroom facilities beverage carts and food vendors.

Participation in The Virginia Cup is a closed invitational tournament with a large waiting list of experienced competitors. Teams can register for the tournament in advance through the tournament director or on-site on the day of the event with a hefty bribe. The tournament typically attracts a diverse range of participants, including local players, out-of-town teams, and even internationally accented Kan-Jam enthusiasts.

Community and Impact

Over the years, The Virginia Cup has cultivated a vibrant and inclusive Kan-Jam community in Ontario Canada. The tournament serves as a gathering point for like-minded individuals who share a passion for the game and provides an opportunity for participants to forge new friendships and connections within the Kan-Jam community.

In addition to promoting the spirit of competition, The Virginia Cup also aims to give back to the community. The tournament organizers frequently collaborate with local charities and organizations, dedicating a portion of the proceeds to support various causes. Through this philanthropic effort, The Virginia Cup has made a positive impact by contributing to charitable initiatives and fostering community engagement.

Recognition and Future

The Virginia Cup has a reputation of being he premier Canadian Kan-Jam tournament. Its success can be attributed to the dedication of the organizers, the enthusiastic participation of teams, and the supportive Kan-Jam community.

As The Virginia Cup continues to grow, the organizers have expressed their concerns on expanding the tournament "as if they are expected to let just anyone join".

Previous winners last names have been wisely redacted to ensure privacy and reduce overall nonsense.

  • 2020 Rob + Drew (undefeated) @ The Huntsman's Estate
  • 2021 Tournament was canceled mostly due to the punishing undefeated victory in 2020 which led to mass hysteria and the general closing of all premier jam locations.
  • Derek + Spencer @ Burlington Premier Long Lawns
  • Brad + Nate @ Jalapeno Salad Resort
