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Terrorism is nothing more than worst form of violence of today’s word. They excel in most horrific acts of mass murders, torturing innocents, rapes, child abuse and all the threats to mankind you can imagine. The recent Paris attack shows that they are nothing more than killing machines, born out of a rot in our societies.

If we want to tackle them, its must that we know them.

What are they? Who are they? Why are they? Where are they?

It is only when we answer such questions, we can know the answer to “How to get rid of them?”

The army strikes on IS, be it Russian or American, will not be of much help in long run. It can help those in need of immediate help, but its not a solution to the problem. War has never been able to bring peace to anyone, nor it has been able to show the slightest light of freedom. And FREEDOM is what we need today. Freedom from threats, from the mindset that gives birth to such people.

Mindset? Yes MINDSET. They are not a section of society, nor aliens. They live among us, eat with us, spend their lives with us just like ourselves. Its just their mindset, which makes them what we see. Brainwash is the must and most important technique used on each and every terrorist to enable him unleash their wrath on the society. Its not weapons, nor any act which makes them a terrorist. That is available with every criminal, but they are not terrorist. Its the mindset of a terrorist, which is rare and available only to a terrorist. No respect to humanity, nor any guilt or remorse for their heinous crimes.

This mindset has not been imported from outer space. It has been with us since the humanity came into existence. Its just that it was in womb till now, today it is born. Yes, you heard it. It is just born, and if we don’t tackle it today, it will become impossible to tackle if it reaches its adolescence. ISIS or IS was just the kid, worse is still unseen. The mindset is taking over our society as the days pass, its just a matter of time, when such IS will rule the world, if not stopped. Oh, did I say rule, sorry, RUIN would be a much more apt word. We will have to recognize what gave birth to such a threat, if we want to tackle the worst, that is yet to come.

It was the practices we were told since our childhood, which gave birth to a terrorist in the minds of few. Practices? Yes practices. Not any daily activities, they are just routine. Then WHAT? RELIGIOUS Practices. Religious? Yes, indeed. Religion is the only thing that is unquestioned because its considered pious. Once a practice is declared religious, it gains the power to be un-challenge-ble. Any unchecked thing, will, without any fail, take the dark shape in future.

“There it is. So he is gone into criticism of Islam and Muslims. Terrorism is not in Islam bro. Terrorists don’t have a religion.”

I am sure you would be having such thoughts in your mind reading what I've written above. But HOLD ON. Don't just judge my words already. I am not yet complete. Half knowledge is dangerous than no knowledge.

I said religion, not Islam. Neither Islam, nor Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Christian or any other religion gave birth to Terrorism. All their holy books talks about respecting humanity. Then which religion? All of them. WHAT? Yes. ALL OF THEM. None of the religion is what it was when it originated. Almost all the religions originated from the words of God or Godmen but they all were corrupted and polluted with time by so called religious leaders. If you want to know your true religion you need to pay attention to ttis. Religion is not the practice you were told to follow when you were young. It is the philosophy for which that practice was formulated. Yes! None of the tradition or practice exist since inception. They were all formulated by people like you and me to serve and spread a particular philosophy. None of them was given by God or Godmen. They gave us the school of thought, the philosophy. But today, we don't care about the philosophy, we just do what we were told to. It's high time we separate religion from so called religious activities.

First understand why was that practice formulated before linking it to religion. How? I am glad it is time, FINALLY, to discuss this. There is a very simple test. But before I throw some light on that test, let me take the liberty to throw some light on this religious corruption and philosophy, to prove what I am trying to say.

Philosophy is a nice word, isn't it? Well it is and there is a very good reason behind that. It's so because every religion is a philosophy or a school of thought. Are they different? If yes what's the difference? If no, then why do they seem different? They are all same. Yes, SAME. Read Quran, Bible, Gita, Agam, Guru Granth Sahib, or any other holy book. All talk about nothing but one single word. NON-VIOLENCE. Everything else is mere elaboration. None of them talks about any kind of violence. Hence, the only religion, is the philosophy of non-violence.

What corruption? Let's understand it with a simple example. It's when a power is used for something, it was not meant for. When a police officer takes cash, its not corruption. But when he save someone who has done a crime, that is corruption. Quid-Pro-Quo might not be there. But there will always be power and its use in a manner it was not meant for. Check any and every case of corruption. The corrupt person always is the one misusing its power. One who does not have power, can never be corrupt. Nor will be the person who use that power only for what it was meant for.

Religious corruption? There were two kinds of corruption which polluted every religion. The extent might differ. But all of them were polluted with time. First was the interpretation. A word can mean multiple things. This is the irony of languages. The multiplicity of meanings of words, lead to the first corruption when the interpretations took place. This gave rise to differences and separated us. How can we blindly believe in the interpretation which was done by someone who corrupted our religion with his power to interpret (or should I say misinterpret)? Religion is not and can not be what it is interpreted to be. We must first put that interpretation to THE TEST before putting our faith and belief in it. Second and even worse corruption was committed by A FEW religious leaders. They got enormous and unchallenged power of faith. Absolute power is the first indicator of possibility of corruption. While most helped mankind by formulating practices to help us remember and live the philosophy preached by religions. There were some who misused their powers and established traditions to serve the demon of corruption. And because we were not ready to test such practice on THE TEST, we got our corrupted versions of religions which have led to conflict and created the demon of Terrorism today.

Don't worry, I will share the solution as well. But first you need to know two more things. Firstly “the test” of NON-VIOLENCE. It's high time we put each and every religious practice and tradition to “the test" of Non-Violence to find out the corrupt ones. If it can't pass the test of basic principle / philosophy of the religion, how could it be the religion at all? It can only be the corruption. Second is the sacrifice which every religion talks about in different senses. Just as practices were a result of corruption in religious leaders, sacrifice was the result of corruption in interpretation. How can a sacrifice be non violent? If it is not, how can it be religion at all? Well sacrifice is ñot violent as it meant “giving up". Till the time it was giving up, it was religion. But when it was interpreted as taking (opposite) it became corrupt. How can you give up what's not yours? If you get rid something that's not yours, then its “taking” undue credit. So let's get rid of the misinterpreted thought of sacrifice and start the original practice meant to serve the religion. GIVING UP.

DONT yet judge my thoughts, as they are still not reflected here. I have to go, but I will soon complete it.