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Things that you should note down about me: (Most of which is a load of Hippy Bullshit, Happy Reading!)

  • I am David
  • I am sixteen
  • I am part Arab
  • I do not present Ready Steady Cook
  • I am also known as many things around these parts, such as Davie4264, Jewboy6039 and many others.
This User is a racist, and is somewhat strangely proud of that fact.

Want some more chunky lumps of userbox flavoured shit, well go down.

This User is a Sockpuppet account, SO WHAT!

This User despises Scientologists with a passion, and has vowed to never come into contact with one, for fear of a murder charge.

This User likes being right, in fact, it gives them pleasure...

This User does not like Mexicans, but would rather not divulge why.

This User does not understand why Lindsey Lohan won't just fuck off and die.

Dis Usr tinks Pokémon is fukin awsum!.

File:JOKE!.svgThis User's previous Userbox was for comedic purposes, and as such should not be taken literally.