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HELLO Heading here, but remove 'display: none;' on row (above; leave just '|-')

It is a nickname, he plays Mousehunt, oh he is ADDICTED to it, lol, add me on facebook!

Well you see, i play this RPG game called <Dragonfable> about 4 years ago. I wanted to give my character a random name, so it bashed my keyboard and got, well, 'Dddin'. So i added '12345' to it for fun. And that is about how I got the nickname.


Ooh, very hard to edit anything. Everything I do gets deleted. Sigh.

Facts about me...

I know some facts are found in the boxes to the right. But some i don't know how to get it into a box. So yup.

I like pie.

I like com.

I like to eat.

I hate idiots who accidentally cause harm to me.

I like Garfield.

I think Snoopy sucks.

I DETEST beer and coffee.

Owl City rocks. Go listen. Go to Youtube and search his songs (yes, Adam Young). Strawberry Avalanche, Hot Air Balloon, Cave In, Fireflies, Vanilla Twilight, Rainbow Veins, ....! I think his songs are so great, the lyrics almost takes you to another dimension. And his electro-pop style is great. And best of all it is so clean (you know what I mean). Nothing related to drugs, anything bad, no swearing. WOOHOO!

I like Mousehunt. I'm almost a knight, if you play, and is quite rich. >-<

I don't really know about wiki.

I like Black Eyed Peas.

I like 987fm in Singapore.

I LOVE MUTTONS TO MIDNIGHTS (in case you don't know that is a radio show in Singapore)

If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing!

This user absolutely detests small flies that attempt to enter ears.

This user's favorite direction is right.Right

This user knows how to
Find X.

{{!!!}}This user over-uses userboxes.

This user is standing behind you.

Go slowly insane as you sit and stare...

Go slowly insane as you sit and stare...

This userbox is with stupid.

This user likes Pi(e).

This user is a mammal.