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I am creating a new page on Wikipedia.

Wow. I don't know how to feel about this, actually. First time jitters, I suppose you or I could assume. I believe I am expected to give out all the nitty gritty details of my quite blasé life, which should be obvious to all, since my name is Dizmaly.

My favourite colours are grey and black. I live underground where all the awesome music is born. The only problem is I am allergic to all forms of music. Gives me a rash. Depending on the genre of music I am exposed to, any number of additional reactions will certainly manifest.

Classical music causes the usual rash, naturally, and also gives me a migraine.

Rap music, of course, the rash. Along with said rash, I experience extreme nausea, hair loss, and one or more types of incontinence. It is debilitating. I avoid Rap sometimes.

Religious Hymns are quite mild in symptoms. Rash commonly occurs with an itch if I am exposed to this genre.

Electronic music in all forms causes severe hallucinations and the rash moves rapidly to different areas of my skin before I can administer my cream.

Folk and Country music causes the rash and also gross amounts of cellulite collection on my eyelids. It often takes seconds for it to finally clear up after exposure to this genre.

Pop music. Rash, peeling eyeballs, tooth decay, halitosis, flatulence, and worst of all, hemorrhoids.

Rock and Metal music always causes rash on my ribcage, and my neck spontaneously breaks, requiring immediate medical care. The last time I was exposed, I was paralysed from the nose out and haven't quite regained mobility, though it has been four minutes since I was exposed.

I forgot to mention that even speaking or writing or texting about music also causes rash and heart attack in my delicate little body. I didn't want to tell you but I just had eight heart attacks in the seven minutes it has taken me to write this.

I better go lie down for a couple minutes.

Oh. Okay. Better. Only took three seconds this time. Meds must be finally starting to work their magic.